All religious places will open in West Bengal from June 1st: Mamatha Benerjee

National News, News

Kolkata: West Bengal Chief Minister Mamatha Benerjee blamed that Shramik special trains turned as Covid- 19 express. She blamed the railways on Friday for the sudden spike in the state’s Covid- 19 infection numbers, while laying out a detailed blue print for a gradual revival of the economy from June 1st.

She criticized that the railways for ferrying migrant workers home in “Cramped train compartments, often without food or water”. She took particular exceptions to the manner in which social distancing rules were being flouted on the trains. Two to three people have to share a seat when it is the State Government which is paying for passengers on 235 trains, she said. She also questioned tell me why the railways is not maintaining social distancing. These trains are spreading terror among citizens. Villagers are saying “Bhaag Jao Covid- 19 Express is coming”.

She also said that when she was the Railway Minister, she increased the number of compartments on each train to 25. She also said she know that the railways has a huge number of compartments, which is why it can run special trains during festivals. The railways could have run more trains instead, allotting a berth for passengers. They could have given them food and water, she added.

Mamatha Benerjee announced that the religious places in the state are going to open from June 1st onwards. She also said that the devotees of temples, churches, gurudwaras and mosques were permitted only 10 members for a batch to pray in the religious premises. She also said all the devotees must follow the Covid- 19 protocols i.e. social distancing, wearing of masks etc. She also said that the religious congregation will not permit in the state.

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