WHO bias towards China: Trump

International News, News

Washington: US President Donald Trump told to the reporters at White House on Tuesday that “We’re going to put a hold on money spent to the WHO”. He also said that he was “going to put a very powerful hold on” funding to WHO, the UN body whose biggest funding source is the United States”.

He also accused WHO it is working bias toward China during the Covid- 19 pandemic, that’s why US wants to cut the US funding to WHO. He gave no details about how much money would be withheld and minutes later during the same press conference he said: “I’m not saying I’m going to do it.  “We will look at ending funding,” he added. Trump asked why the WHO had given “such a faulty recommendation,” apparently referring to the UN body’s advice against curtailing international travel to stop the virus which first spread from China.

However, Trump himself has been widely criticized for initially downplaying the virus, which he likened to an ordinary flu and said was under control in the United States, before later accepting that it was a national emergency. More than 12,000 Americans have now died from COVID-19.

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