Lock down extended for two weeks with some relaxations

National News, News

New Delhi: The Union Government extended two more weeks lock down in the country on Friday. The second phase lock down which is scheduled to end on May 3rd, the Union Government with significant easing of curbs intended to reopen the country and restart economic activity even in the red zones, leaving only containment are under strict restrictions.

The movement of individuals for non-essential activities has been prohibited from 7 pm to 7 am. Senior citizens, persons with co-morbidities (Health conditions) and children below 10 years are to stay at home except for health purposes. Private Officers will be able to function even in the red zones (at 33% of staff strength). The norms set the frame work for states, which can increase restrictions but cannot dilute them.

The norms allow near normalcy in green zones, now designated as areas with no fresh cases for 21 days, with the movement of taxis, autos and rickshaws. The same norms apply to orange zones also where no cases have been detected for a fortnight but such movement is prohibited in red zones. Buses will also be allowed to operate at 50% of capacity in green zones. Private four wheelers with maximum two passengers in the back are permitted but for two wheelers no pillion riders are allowed in red zones.

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